Winter conditioning and sequence pattern seminars!

  1. Canine athlete conditioning

Dr. Brian Waldo, DVM, and Dr. Julie Waldo, DVM, will discuss canine athlete conditioning, warm up and cool down, and treatment of injuries. Bring your dog and learn how to keep their muscles warmed and ready to go, even in cold weather. You’ll also find out how to identify injuries and help your dog when they occur.

Day and Time: November 22 from 1-2:30 p.m.

Place:  Flying Paws Agility, 1491 E Sample Road, Bloomington, Indiana

Cost: $20

Reserve your spot:


  1. Common sequences – 360s, 270s, pinwheels and serpentines

We see them all the time in trials, but what is the best way to handle them? Instructor Deb Abbott will talk about strategies for all dogs on these common sequences. All levels welcome.

Day and Time: November 22 from 2:45 to 5 p.m.

Place:  Flying Paws Agility, 1491 E Sample Road, Bloomington, Indiana

Cost: $35

Reserve your spot:

Special price for both seminars: $50

Cooper receives laser treatment for an injury at Dr. Waldo's office.

Cooper receives laser treatment for an injury at Dr. Waldo’s office.

Flying Paws Open Practice moved to Saturday at 3 p.m.

Leah and Louie at Lafayette March 2015Open Practice will move to Saturday afternoons at 3 p.m. as weather allows.  We will put away large obstacles when there is snow, but until then we are enjoying this beautiful fall weather!

Also, there are a couple of places left in our upcoming seminar on teaching your dog tricks and skills in your living room over the winter!  Email us at: to let us know you are interested, as space is limited!!